The Blues: Indigo

The Blues: Indigo

Añil, scientific name generally referring to Indigofera tinctoria, belongs to the pea family and is the source of the beautiful color indigo. In Nahuatl it is called jiquitle. The plant is a shrub, growing up to 1.5 m in height also used for a blue dye is its close...
The Art of the Palapa

The Art of the Palapa

In this part of Mexico, the word palapa is used to describe a thatched roof house without walls. It is a word that is said to have its origin in Nahuatl, being a combination of words meaning, “butterfly in the water”. The palapa is a structure that has evolved in...
Playa Panteon & Playa Principal

Playa Panteon & Playa Principal

A 5-10 minute walk from the Viewpoint condo is beach of Playa Principal, the closest beach to Viewpoint and the hub of all fishing activities in the area.  The wharf is busiest in the mornings, where local fisherman bring in tuna, red snapper, sailfish, lobster and...
Playa Santa Cruz

Playa Santa Cruz

The bays of Huatulco (Bahias de Huatulco) is divided into four main areas.  One of these areas is the small town of Santa Cruz, the most centrally located bay with a large pier where cruise ships dock.   Santa Cruz is the hub of commercial and tourist activities....
Palenque Designs Today

Palenque Designs Today

A trip to Palenque , Chiapas is to delve into the heart of Mayan design. Where in Oaxaca, one sees strong Zapotecan and Mixtec elements in their crafts, Chiapas represents the distinctly Mayan traditions. Mayan traditions have contributed essential design ideas...